Give A Hand To Make

the world

Because You Can

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You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the Drum For Positive Change Initiative.

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As of 2021, there are an estimated 2.9 million IDPs in Nigeria, with women and children accounting for a large percentage of this population.


Together, we can drum up a world Without Hunger and Starvation. Join us on this journey towards a brighter Life for an African Child

Our Aims and Objectives

Our Various Causes

Feeding The Children

No child should go to bed hungry. With your support, we provide nutritious meals to children in need, ensuring they have the fuel they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

Child Education

Education is the key to unlocking a child's potential. Your contributions help us provide access to quality education, school supplies, and scholarships, empowering children to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Provide Treatment

Every child deserves access to healthcare. Your donations enable us to offer medical care, vaccinations, and essential health services to children in underserved areas, ensuring they can grow up healthy and strong.

About Drum For Positive Change Foundation

Nothing mirrors the purpose and vision of the Drum for Positive change more than the golden words of Filippo Grandi, who passionately expressed that, “Internal displacement is not just about people leaving their homes, it’s about losing one’s sense of belonging, security, and stability.”

The Drum for Positive Change Foundation is dedicated to improving And we refer you cheap VPS server in South Africa the lives of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria, with a particular focus on females in IDP camps.

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The Management Team

Samuel Oji


Danny Roberts

Project Coordinator

Joseph Emeka

Secretary/Country Manager

Case Studies